CASA 2nd International Show
Gauteng 20 October 2007
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Overall Best on Show
Tres Jolie Sweet Taboo
Brown spotted tabby bi-colour Persian male kitten
Owners/breeders: Charmaine Danziger and Daniel Viviers
Gauteng 20 October 2007
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Overall Best on Show
Tres Jolie Sweet Taboo
Brown spotted tabby bi-colour Persian male kitten
Owners/breeders: Charmaine Danziger and Daniel Viviers
Best in Category Longhair Tres Jolie Sweet Taboo Brown spotted tabby bi-colour Persian male kitten Owners/breeders: Charmaine Danziger and Daniel Viviers Best in Category Shorthair Exposed Luneo Hope Blue-eyed white Sphynx female adult Owner: Julia Lamprecht Breeders: Anthony and Theresa Aldum |
Best in Category Semi-longhair Westwood's Bobbi Sox Brown classic tabby with white Maine Coon female kitten Owner: Athylle Caw Breeder: Gail Nel Best in Category SOSH and runner up best in show LaBLING My Enigma Odd-eyed white Peterbald male kitten Owner/breeder: Mariette Burger |
Best in Category
Household Pet
Shorthair brown ticked tabby bi-colour female
Class: 5 - 10 month female kitten
Sean and Su Gaylard
Slideshow of pictures mostly by Theresa Fouche